04 March 2005

Fridays Quick Rant

I've been waayyy busy with the day job. The blizzard we had up here has been a real pain. Martha Stewart is out of jail...and? Could this be a turning point for fashion obsessed lefties? Film at 11:00.

I guess the MSM just doesn't understand just how shallow they look when they cover the prison release of a home-decor-diva/felon, while all around the real world things of import continue to unfold.

"What was she wearing Joan?"

"Oh, she had a fabulous blah-blah blah...back to you in the studio "


The political left continues to unravel, Matt Rosenberg has great piece at Rosenblog about how utterly ineffective MoveOn.org has been. You know it's bad when Rolling Stone chastises you.

Off to try to finish catching up at work. More snow photo blogging when I can catch a few extra minutes.
- SpinDaddy