16 September 2005

Ophelia Ford: Gore Loser Wannabe

Ophelia Ford; the sister of the indicted, volatile, and ever controversial TN state senator John Ford D scrapes out a 12 vote margin of "victory" in a special election held to fill his State Senate seat.

Any time a member of the Ford Family Machine is involved in a 12 vote margin anything; why, that fails the smell-test on its face. Ophelias campaign is simply the latest model of the Ford Family Machine.

Smells like the Ford Family Machine is turning to the Gore-Loser Model.

Below is the press release from Team GOP.org Note that a voting machine cartridge has mysteriously disappeared. Jeff Ward (of Team GOP) rightly concludes that this casts sufficient doubt on the results as to rend them unacceptable.

Wards suggestion that the State Senate step in to determine who fills the seat is also wholly appropriate. Most casual observers don't understand that this is the precedure with any legislative body. The US congress, or Senate are the final arbiter of who sits in the body regardless of local shenanigans. Just ask Bob"B-1" Dornan.

A seat in the TN State Senate might be viewed as an entitlement by the Ford Family Machine, but the rest of us regular folk still naively view the State houses as our houses and in our humble simple-mindedness expect these bodies to be comprised of our duly elected representatives. Perhaps we are foolish to hold such expectations. Perhaps it is the case that we aren't sophisticated enough to see that having corrupt socialist politicos and policies are really better for the greater good. If that should make me naive, so be it. Guilty as charged.

Memphis Blogger Alpha Patriot also offers the following astute observations.

"...Store owner Terry Roland [the GOP candidate] decided to try and take the seat away from Democrats, becoming a first-time candidate for the GOP.

Thaddeus Matthews predicted a landslide win for Roland. Memphis Blue said it was looking "like the beginning of hte [sic] end of the Ford dynasty."

I never believed it, taking Half-Bakered's position that "the Fords are famous for last minute "miracle" saves." Actually, I take the position that Democrats are famous for last minute miracle saves..."

That last line describes the democratic party GoreLoser Model of political power acquisition in the 21st century to a tee.

Steal it, Stuff it, Protest it, Litigate it. Whatever it takes. The ends justify the means.

Wards call for the State Senate to step in is exactly correct, as our founders (state and federal) never intended for political questions to be solved in the legal arena. This matter belongs before the body whose makeup will be affected by the outcome.

Of course a nasty and public Ford Family Machine fight over a State Senate seat is just what Prince Harold Ford Jr needs right now, as he is trying to ramp up his efforts to capture Bill Frists US Senate Seat.



For Immediate Release: September 16, 2005 1:26 AM

TN State Senate should step in and
determine the winner for the
District 29 Special Election

(Millington, TN) Just hours after the strangest election in some fifteen years in West Tennessee, TeamGOP.org's General Chairman Jeff Ward called for the Tennessee State Senate to step in and determine who actually won Thursday's race as precedent demands from the 1990 election between Bobby Carter and Joe Nip McKnight for the State Senate seat in Madison County.

Ward said, "Since no official winner has been determined and the suspicious loss of a voting machine cartridge in the very last precinct creates at best unreliable results with the margin of twelve, the State Senate should step in immediately and remove the cloud of doubt over this tainted election."Ward was referring to a troubling development at one heavily Democrat precinct where Roland campaign staffers reported that precinct was one of the few where no poll watchers were present. At the conclusion of the electioning, polling location officers only turned in two of the three voting machine cartridges that tallied the votes with no verifiable paper trail.

As anxious Roland supporters gathered in the campaign headquarters some time later, a phone call with an election official at the Shelby County Election Commission office informed the crowd that Sheriff's Deputies had been dispatched approximately an hour an forty-five minutes after the polling station had closed to retrieve the last cartridge located in a Whitehaven area elementary school. Ward said, "The only people who believe that Ophelia Ford could win this race honestly are the same ones that think her brother John Ford is innocent."Ophelia Ford's primary opponent Henri Brooks considered contesting the election after losing by twenty votes, but was stopped after the State Democratic Executive Committee rejecting her election challenge. "Thankfully the next step to determine who actually won this race won't be John Ford's or Harold Ford Jr.'s cronies or minions like with Ms. Brooks' race. Hopefully the General Assembly will do its job as it has done in the past when no reliable election results exist," declared Ward.

On September 7th, the Roland campaign dispatched a press release and provided documentation to the Memphis media that at least seven people who were either not registered voters or convicted felons had voted just during the first couple days of early voting in Shelby County. "This week members of the General Assembly gathered to discuss ethics reform to try to restore trust in state government. Demanding honest results after a tainted election should be their first step," concluded Ward.

TeamGOP.org is a Republican grassroots organization based in Tennessee. It is dedicated to electing Republicans at every level of government. TeamGOP.org publishes a weekly E-newsletter, operates its 527 Group TeamGOP America, manages its daily Blog and operates the political action committee, TeamGOP PAC.